Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Flip effect of carbon nanotori 355 353 2
Numerical study of rotational dynamics of carbon nanotori during intermolecular interaction 94 95 2
Fullerene movement in a carbon nanocontainer 338 340 2
The role of stacking fault energy of Cu-Al and Cu-Mn alloys during their deformation in low-stability states 709 676 1
Rotational dynamics of fullerenes in the molecular crystal of fullerite 308 398 101
Molecular dynamics study of collective behavior of carbon nanotori in columnar phase 271 357 92
Computational analysis of strain-induced effects on the dynamic properties of C60 in fullerite 232 233 5
Effect of a charged particle propagating in C60 fullerite 402 397 2
Gyroscopic effects in fullerite crystal upon deformation 369 366 2
Precession of fullerite rotating node at simplest deformations of crystal fragment 248 245 2
Dynamic state of columnar structures formed on the basis of carbon nanotori 615 609 2
Interaction of molecular tori in columnar structures 520 510 2
Passage of monochromatic sound through a gas pipeline wall 302 299 2
Fullerene in a magnetic field 446 556 120
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Lun-Fu, Aleksandr V.

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Lun-Fu, Aleksandr V.

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